Thursday, January 15, 2015

Blossom @-'-,-- Byng

Hi Jacki,

I'm so glad I got back in touch. It must be so hard (but awesome) to fall in love with these little beasts only to have them fly the coop.
As you can imagine Byng is doing amazing. No health issues. We have some exciting news! Byng got a baby brother! We wanted to reach out to you when we were ready to get a second dog but this (no so) little man was in a bad situation. I finally convinced the owner to give him to us.

His name is lord Stanley (yes, we're geeks and we love our hockey) don't let the size fool you, Byng is the boss. The dynamic between the 2 of them is amazing. They are both such show offs & attention hogs, but Byng ALWAYS wins.

We celebrated her 5th birthday in August. I have noticed a slight drop in her activity level. It's easy to get her going, just throw the kong to her brother and she'll chase him around for an hour. He is helping her stay young and she is teaching him to be a good dog.

He was completely untrained when we got him. With his size it was a challenge. But Byng has been a great help. I'm happy to report after a year & a half he is now fully trained, finally at a healthy weight and is such a good boy.

I can't thank you guys enough for what you do. Byng is such an amazing gift.
