Monday, July 23, 2012

Why to Adopt a Rescue Pet

Some time ago, you posted a sign that said "sometimes the best way to honor the life of the pet you lost is to save another". We adopted a golden retriever from an older couple who couldn"t care for her anymore. She was the sweetest friend anyone could have. The day we lost her to cancer was one of the worst days of my life. We could not imagine ever having a dog that we would bond to like her, but we were wrong. We went to a shelter close to home and adopted a boxer-lab mix. He is so affectionate and fun-loving. He sleeps with our kids, goes on the trampoline with them, and sleeps in my lap. I"m positive our angel in heaven sent us this dog. He has helped me accept my golden"s passing and taught us to love another pet as family. I just had to share our story. I would never get another pet from anywhere other than a shelter and I wish everyone would adopt from a shelter. Thank you to all of you for what you do. you have made such a difference in the lives of countless pets and people.

Kelly Angles